Mediavilla, María Gabriela

María Gabriela Mediavilla is graduated from Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (FCByF) de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario as Bachelor’s in Biotechnology; she completed her PhD at the Molecular Biology Area of the same School and University, under the supervision of Dr. Edgardo E. Guibert. She spent her postdoctoral stage at Centro Studi Fegato, TS, Italy. Currently, she is a member of the Researcher Carrier at CONICET, Associated Researcher at the Group of Biology and Biochemistry of Trypanosoma cruzi at this Institute (IBR, CONICET/UNR) and teaching assistant at Molecular Biology Chair of FCByF (UNR). Previously she has worked in the design of preservation solutions for livers destinated to organ transplantation, studying strategies to reduce the cold-ischemia/reperfusion oxidative injury occurring in these procedures. She also was part of the Bacterial Pathogenesis Group of this Institute.