Senior Researcher
De Mendoza, Diego
Dr. Diego de Mendoza is an Investigator of the National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). The group of Dr. de Mendoza studies the basic principles of how the biosynthesis of lipid is regulated and how these molecules are involved in the organization and functioning of membrane and signaling processes in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The group of Dr. de Mendoza is as a world leader in the field of bacterial lipids. More recently, using C. elegans as a model system and applying a variety of genetic and biochemical methods, his group is investigating the role of lipids as intracellular signals in neurodegenerative disorders. Dr. de Mendoza was an international Research Scholar of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) from 2002 to 2011, is a member of the American Academy of Microbiology and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). He has been distinguished for his work with the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Award, the prize Investigator of the Argentine Nation, granted by the President of Argentina, the prize Bunge and Born trajectory and the Konex Platinum Award, among others.
Soncini, Fernando
Fernando Soncini is a biochemist, graduated from the Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. He completed his Ph.D. at the Centro de Estudios Fotosintéticos y Bioquímicos and did his postdoctoral work at Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States. He is Senior Researcher at CONICET, and head of the Signal Transduction in Pathogenic Bacteria Group. His group’s research focuses on the analysis of the signaling mechanisms that modulate the expression of factors required by Salmonella for infection. His laboratory has discovered mechanisms used by the pathogen for copper homeostasis and biofilm formation that are required for its virulence. Dr. Soncini was an International Research Scholar of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Latin American Fellow of the Pew Charitable Trusts. He served as Chair of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Ambassadors Caucus and Member of the Moselio Schaechter Distinguished Service Award Selection Committee of the American Academy of Microbiology, among others.
He is director of the following projects: Molecular determinants of Salmonella cell-envelope copper homeostasis, NIH (R01 AI150784); Balance between resistance and virulence in the evolution of copper homeostasis in Salmonella, FONCyT (PICT-2019-2019-00982); Salmonella pathogenesis island 2 in the control of biofilm formation, FONCyT (PICT-2018-02122).
Twitter: @FerSoncini
IG: fernandosoncini
Gramajo, Hugo
Ceccarelli, Eduardo
Eduardo A. Ceccarelli is a biochemist (1979) from the Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the National University of Rosario (FBioyF, UNR). At the same institution and through CONICET fellowships he obtained his Ph.D. degree (1986) at the Center for Photosynthetic and Biochemical Studies (CEFOBI) under the direction of Dr. Rubén Vallejos. He completed postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Diego (1986-1989), through positions at the NIH and NSF in the United States. He was Guest Professor of Freie Univesrsität Berlin. He is currently a Senior Researcher at CONICET and a Full Professor of the Molecular Biology Area (FBioyF, UNR) for which he is also Head. He is the Academic Director of the Dep. of Cs. Biological Sciences of the same institution and Director of the Mass Spectrometry Unit of the IBR, CONICET, UNR.
He directs the Protein Structure, Folding, and Function Laboratory. The lab studies stability, structure, catalytic functions, and degradation of proteins and their possible metabolic roles. They use protein models relevant to physiological processes in all living organisms such as flavoproteins, molecular chaperones, and proteases. The information generated enables its subsequent biotechnological use.
Recently, the Municipal Council of Rosario recognized Dr. Ceccarelli with the Diploma of Honor for his scientific work during the past pandemic. / Http:// /
Vila, Alejandro
Carrillo, Néstor
Néstor Carrillo is a Biochemist graduated from the Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCByF) of the National University of Rosario; he completed his PhD at the Center for Photosynthetic and Biochemical Studies (CEFOBI) of the same Faculty, under the direction of Dr. Rubén Vallejos. He carried out post-doctoral research studies at the Universities of Osnabrück and Düsseldorf, Germany, and at Harvard University, United States. He is currently a Senior Researcher at CONICET, and head of the Biochemistry of Stress in Plants Group. He is Professor of Molecular Biology at the FCByF. His group studies the response mechanisms that plants put into play in adverse environmental situations (salinity, drought, extreme temperatures, pathogens) as well as the development of strategies to increase tolerance to such situations of environmental stress. He has been distinguished for his work with the IFS Silver Jubilee Award awarded by the International Foundation for Science, the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship and the Konex Platinum Award, among others.