Stival, Cintia

    Bolatti, Elisa

    Elisa Bolatti is Biologist graduated at the School of Physics, Exacts and Natural Sciences at the National University of Córdoba and Professor of Biology at the Argentinian Catholic University. She performed her PhD at the Human Virology Group of the IBR and at the School of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the National University of Rosario under the direction of Dr. Adriana Giri and Dr. Diego Chouhy. During her Ph.D she studied the molecular epidemiology and evolutionary mechanisms of human papillomaviruses and adquired experience in the development of molecular methods for the detection of viral infections. She obtained fellowships from the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases to perform scientific visits at the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). She completed her post doctoral studies at the Human Virology Group focused on the study and discovery of new viruses using next generation sequencing and bioinformatics tools for big data analysis. At the moment, she is carrying out her research in two lines of investigation, one focused on the development of kits for the diagnosis of viral infections using aptamers as molecular sensors, and another aimed at the analysis of viromes and the discovery of novel viruses with implications for human and animal health in wild animal samples.

    Twitter: @ElisaBolatti

    Instagram: @elibolatti

    Suarez, Irina

    Irina P. Suarez is a Licentiate in Biotechnology (M. Sc.) graduated from the Faculty of Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCByF) of the National University of Rosario (UNR). She did her Ph. D. at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Rosario (IBR-CONICET-UNR), directed by Rodolfo M. Rasia. Her thesis was granted “best thesis in biological sciences award 2016” by the secretary of science of Santa Fe province, Argentina. She has worked at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany, and at the Institute for Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (IGBMC), France. Irina has been awarded fellowships from CONICET, the German service for academic exchange (DAAD), the Bunge and Born foundation from Argentina and the foundation for medical research (FRM) from France. She is currently an associated researcher from CONICET at the Bacterial Sensors group at IBR. In her group she studies bacterial resistance to antibiotics from the biophysical and structural biology perspective.

    Irina is the director of the project “VbrKR, a new resistance system in Gram negatives”.



    Twitter: @IhNa24104251

    IG: @irinapsuarez

    FB: Ih Na

    Garcia, Lucila

    Tomatis, Pablo

    Dr. Pablo Emiliano Tomatis started his research training during his undergraduate thesis at the Institute of Investigations in Biotechnology in Buenos Aires Argentina. He graduated a Master in Biotechnology in 2000. Then in 2002 he started to work on directed molecular evolution of metallo-beta-lactamases as his PhD thesis project at the School of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Rosario, Argentina. He was awarded with several Postgraduate Research Fellowships to support his Ph.D. thesis work. In 2008 obtained his PhD degree Summa cum laude, and soon after he continued working as a postdoctoral fellow of the Argentinean National Research Council at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology of Rosario, Argentina. Since 2011 he is Assistant Researcher as Staff member of the Argentinean National Research Council, working on structural adaptability on protein evolution. From 2012 until the end of 2015, worked as postdoc at the University of Zürich, Switzerland, thanks to a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship and to Novartis Stiftung für medizinisch-biologische Forschung. After his postdoctoral training abroad, he returned to Argentina to work as an Assistant Researcher in the Metalloprotein Lab at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology of Rosario, Argentina. He Is also a Teaching Assistant in Biophysics, School of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Rosario (UNR). Dr. Tomatis is an active member of the MCAA Argentinian chapter.

    ORCID: 0000-0002-1126-8200

    Twitter: @pabloetomatis

    Mariscotti, Javier

    Alonso, Victoria

    Victoria Lucia Alonso has a Bachelor degree in Biotechnology from the School of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCByF) of the National University of Rosario, completed her doctorate at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Rosario (IBR-CONICET) of the same School under the direction of Dr. Esteban Serra. She did a posdoc in medicinal chemistry at the Research Institute for the Discovery of Pharmaceuticals of Rosario (IIDEFAR-UNR) under the direction of Dr. Ricardo Furlan. She is currently an Assistant Researcher at CONICET and Assistant Professor in the Parasitology Department of ​​the FCByF. Within Dr. Serra’s group, her work focuses on studying the role of α-tubulin acetylation in the dynamics of the cytoskeleton in the flagellate protozoan Trypansoma cruzi, particularly in the characterization of the enzymes responsible for this post-transcriptional modification. These are potential target mechanisms for the development of new trypanosidal drugs. She has received the Mention for the best Thesis in Biological Sciences 2016 from the Secretary of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (SGCTIP); Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of Santa Fe, Argentina.

    ORCID: 0000-0001-9518-8576


    Twitter: @vikyalonso85

    Instagram: @vik_alonso

    Lombardo, Veronica